Exploring the World of XPUB

Unlock the Secrets of XPUB

What is XPUB

xpub is an abbreviation for extended public key . It is part of the so-called hierarchical deterministic wallet (HD Wallets) and is a public key that is used to generate a number of public Bitcoin addresses .

In contrast to conventional wallets that only generate one address, an HD wallet can generate an infinite number of Bitcoin addresses by using a so-called Master Public Key , which is linked to a Master Private Key .

An XPUB is therefore an offshoot of the Master Public Keys , which is used to generate a number of public addresses that are linked to this key.

This means that everyone who knows this XPUB is able to generate all public addresses that are linked to this key but is unable to access the credit of these addresses or transactions sign.

XPUBs are useful to accept payments from several Bitcoin addresses or to automate the management of Bitcoin addresses. They are also an important part of the integration of Bitcoin payments into websites or applications.